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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Oracle Alerts

Oracle Alerts:

Alerts in EBS allows you to monitor your Business information's to keep

•Be informed of database exceptions as and when they happen
•Sending Notifications to business user
•Performing routine database tasks automatically
•Calling Concurrent Programs, Shell Scripts and Operating System Scripts

There are two type of Alerts, Event and Periodic.

Event Based Alert: 

These Alerts are fired/triggered based on some change in data in the database.

Ex: If u want to notify your manager when you create an item in the inventory you can use event based alerts. When you create an item in the inventory it will create a new record in mtl_system_items_b, here inserting a record in the table is an event so whenever a new record is inserted it will send the alert. In same alert you can also send the information related to that particular item.

Periodic Alert: 

These Alerts are triggered hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly based on your input.

Ex: If you want to know list of items created on that day at the end of day you can use periodic alerts repeating periodically by single day. This alert is not based on any changes to database. This alert will notify you every day regardless of data exists or not that means even if no items are created you will get a blank notification.

Creating an Event Alert:

Defining an Alert:

1.  Responsibility –> Alert Manager.
2.  Navigate to the Alerts Window.
Alert –> Define 
3.  Define a Period Alert:
Application = Human Resources
Name = xxscc_test1
Enable = Selected.
4.    Event
Application = Human Resources
5.   Enter the following SQL statement.
Select employee_number
into&emp_num from
Per_all_people_f where rowid=:rowid

6. Verify, to check whether the syntax written is correct.
7. Save
8. Define Alert Actions:
Action Name:  send_email_notification

8. Define Action Details:
Click on Action Details Button
TO :   Give you email ID here.    
Note : You can also put here also bind variable with &email if that taken in select statement.
Subject:  Give Subject of your Email.
Text:  hello, this is test email &emp_num

9- Define Action Sets
Click on Action Sets Button.
Action Set Name = Send Email Test
Go to Action Set Details –> Members.
Action = send_email_notification as shown below.

10- Define Operating Unit
Click on Alert Details Button from first Alert Window.
Navigate to Installation Tab.
Operating Unit = <Your Operating Unit> for me it is US Federal Government.

11- Save.
Now if you update or Create New Employee you will received notification in given email id.

Follow the below navigation to check the Alert history:

N->Alert Manager ->Alert -> History

Stored in: ALR_ACTION_HISTORY table

Run Periodic Alerts Forcefully:

N-> Alert Manager-> Request ->Check

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Run the Concurrent Program on priority basis

We can set the priority of the concurrent program as follows.

1.If we know the user of the program.

In oracle EBS we can set the priority of specific users so that when they run specific reports, those reports should be run on high priority.

 1.Go to Sysadmin Responsibility and go to menu Profile > System.
 2.Make sure Site and User boxes are checked.
 3.Select the user name for the user for whom you want to increase the priority
 4.Enter the following within the Profile box and click on Find: Concurrent:Request Priority
 5.Change the priority for the user as you see fit (1 is highest, 99 is lowest, 50 is the default) , Save and exit.

2.If we know the program name and then we can run that program as priority.

Please follow the below steps:

1.Login system administrator /Application developer and go to define concurrent screen
   Under Concurrent >> Program >> Define
2.Find the Program name whose priority you wish to change for ex. "Payable Transfer to GL"
3.On this screen you can set priority of this request by entering value in "Priority" field( as mark in red) (1 is highest, 99 is lowest, 50 is the default) , Save and exit.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

To get the DFF and KFF deifinition details from back end

Use the below query to get the DFF and KFF definition details from back end

select *
from fnd_descriptive_flexs
where application_table_name='RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL'

select *
from fnd_descr_flex_column_usages
where descriptive_flexfield_name='RA_INTERFACE_HEADER'
and application_column_name='INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1'